General Info
  • Posidonia is a strictly professional, commercial exhibition and access is reserved for members of the Greek and International Shipping Community.

    Visitors must display a valid admission ticket, business card or confirmed online registration (visitor's badge) to gain access. Access to the Posidonia Exhibition is free of charge. Visitors are encouraged to register online prior to their arrival at the venue, to assure quick entry to the exhibition.

    The Organisers reserve the right to not allow access to non-maritime related professionals and/or the general public. Children under 16 years old are NOT admitted unless accompanied by a parent or responsible adult and must remain with their guardian during their visit in the exhibition.

    No Solicitation: Any activity designed to solicit or sell products or services to delegates attending a meeting, conference or event without the proper authorization by the event organiser or in ways that violate the rules of the exhibition is forbidden. Please note that while all registered attendees are invited to the exhibition, any attendee who is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces, in another company’s booth or in violation of any portion of this Exhibition policy, will be asked to cease and desist all such activities permanently. Additional penalties may be applied, and you may be asked to leave the event facility.

    The exhibition Visitors' Rules & Regulations as well as Evacuation & Safety Plan are available below.

    The Posidonia 2026 Week Schedule

    Event Date & Venue
    Posidonia Tour 28-29 May 2026, TBC
    Posidonia Cup Yacht Race 29 May 2026, Faliron Bay
    Posidonia Basketball Tournament 30 May 2026, TBC
    Posidonia Running Event  31 May 2026, Piraeus
    Posidonia Golf Tournament 31 May 2026, Glyfada Golf Course, Glyfada
    Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament 31 May 2026, TBC
    Posidonia 2026 Opening Ceremony  1 June 2026 (by invitation only)
    Posidonia 2026 Exhibition 1-5 June 2026, Metropolitan Expo 

    Exhibition opening hours

    Date Time
    Monday 1 June   18:30 to 21:00
    Tuesday 2 June  10:30 to 19:00
    Wednesday 3 June  10:30 to 19:00
    Thursday 4 June  10:30 to 19:00
    Friday 5 June 10:30 to 17:00

    Shuttle bus service is provided by the Organisers. The Shuttle bus schedule and Taxi information will be available closer to the exhibition.

    Posidonia Games

    Please click below for more info on the Posidonia Games:

    •    Posidonia Cup

    •    Posidonia Basketball Tournament

    •    Posidonia Running Event

    •    Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament

    •    Posidonia Golf Tournament

    •    Posidonia Tour

Visitors' Rules & Regulations/ Safety & Evacuation Plans
For more information & details on the Visitors' Rules & Regulations please download the below document.